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Never mind your conclusions. Just state what happened. You were on duty the night that Sara Ewes was killed? Mason looked up, simulating surprise at the witnesss hesitance. Cant you answer that? How serious is Jess about resigning? She was beautiful. Long, dark hair that fell straight to her shoulders. Olive skin, full lips, lovely features, green eyes that Devine had watched seemingly spike with electrical current when she was animated. She had been to several of the mixers. He had watched her dance and joke and drink, and even do a stupid line of coke in a back room, and not like it. In off-hours her choice of dress had been sexy and chic. At leisure, she possessed a flippant, playful style that made her appear vulnerable and approachable. Coupled with her prodigious brains and sheer business talent, it was a truly potent combination that had captivated Devine and many others at the firm. Ive already filed, she said. Ill get the clearance. Because Sara Ewes knew about the Locust Group owning the Lombard Theater. And she told Stamos to check it out. And maybe she did and realized what was going on. Or maybe you let something slip during pillow talk and she had to be taken care of. Mason said,Im your lawyer. We wont have any more discussions about what a sweet guy Sig is, Stone said. Carol died trying to protect you from him. And then when you picked up a passenger, did you report that fact? Its disconcerting, Stone said. Whats your take on what each one represents? If the Court please, Mason said, I must beg the indulgence of the Court, but as a part of my case it is necessary for me to introduce in evidence some material that has been discarded by one of the... well, it is very heavy material. This was the only way I could bring it to Court. I am sorry it is necessary to interrupt proceedings at this time— Then you two ought to get a decent nights sleep, Ed said. Neither of you looks quite as perky as usual. Dont you, Travis? Chapter Twelve That all? he asked. I nodded. Thats comforting. In other words, Mason said, you were trying to prove at least to your own satisfaction that thered been something of a quarrel immediately preceding the shooting. Is that right?..