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At the front door were beefy guys Devines size or bigger who gave him a methodical pat-down, made him lift his shirt, and then wanded his torso and arms and legs for good measure. Almost twenty-three. I should have graduated from college by now. Im way behind, Travis. No way to catch up, really. Its like being in the nineteenth century and suddenly realizing youre a washed-up old maid at age eighteen. His fellow clones nodded. Dino, you want to see what your people can do with James Weaver, ex-marine? Lets just say it was a convenient spot for us, considering we have this office nearby. And you take the train in. And you pass a certain house there every day, right? I take it you have some plan? Mason said. Walking up Broad Street and enjoying the heat, why? I folded up the letter, shoved it into my jacket pocket and dropped the stick match into my shirt pocket. Headlines announced j-SECOND MURDER WEAPON IN ALDER CASE FOUND, and down below these headlines UNEXPLAINED BULLET LODGED IN RIDGEPOLE! Who? She was spoiling the pleasure of enjoying her pert good looks. As long as you like, I said, hoping that it would be three days, a week at the most. I put up a new swing that goes out over the pond. The boys will get a kick out of it. Yes. And here are their backgrounds. Do you think youll get a response? He might think youre trying to trap him or something. Id called Chicago two hours ago and given one of my staffers there the job of answering the phones and redirecting any serious media calls we got to my cell phone here. So far Id talked to two networks, including the news director of one of them. Hed made the best offer: seven minutes on the news. He was also planning a special called The Hate Merchants’ and would give Jess seven more minutes on that. That would be on Friday night, a lame night for TV, but given the blanket coverage the shooting was getting it might pick up a much bigger audience than the night usually got. In the meantime, we had Ted on the most highly rated morning show. Point it at me. So you thought I might do your poking around for you? Stone kissed her, then picked her up and set her next to him on the sofa.Dinos coming back. We dont want to start something now and shock him when he walks in...