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The sheriff thought things over.You can look, he said, “but you cant go digging. Stone picked up the phone.Yes? He was awakened by his cell phone, charging beside him; the clock read 3:05 AM.Hello, he said hoarsely. Does Sig have an apartment in the city? When he got uptown there was more traffic on 125th Street, so he had to drive more carefully and wipe the rain off his face guard more frequently. He looked into some side streets and found cars still parked outside Raos, a tiny Italian restaurant on East 114th Street with a huge following. Stone had been on a waiting list for a table for years, but with no luck yet. There were only ten tables. Occasionally he would get a call saying there had been a cancellation, and hed take it when he could get it. Yes, sir. Come... come up here, Doxey said in a harsh, rasping voice. Mason said, with a quiet smile,You examined this canoe for fingerprints at what time, Mr. Durham? Shoemaker gave his partner a nervous glance, one that showed he was no longer fully in control of the situation. His partner seemed to read this like a cue card. The men were grouped around a little hole in the sand. Thats right. I did take the precaution of turning around and setting myself for a fight. And if it did come— if I had misinterpreted the tenor of that voice — then I was going to start throwing punches with maniacal fury. The embarrassment of the cop bar scene still stung. I saw Enny drive up while I was up there on the hill. That is, I guess it was Enny, It was his car. He wanted to take Roxy with him to see the lawyer. Delivery, the man said. Stone and Dino got down on their hands and knees and peered at the tiny space. They were rewarded with a tiny but definite flash, red this time. Stone got a powerful little flashlight from a desk drawer and directed the beam at the space. He had to wait another minute for the flash, and this time, he marked the baseboard with a felt-tipped pen. The caller said he hoped that next time thered be a better shooter and Michaels said hed be willing to pay for target practice at a firing range. How much milk can you get from two goats? Thats what Katherine was telling me...