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You want me to shoot him? About what happened last night? She eyed his facial injuries, but made no comment. Because Dennis desperately wanted to transition to being a woman, and my brilliant father couldnt accept that. Thats why my parents finally divorced. He was awful to Dennis. Never one minute’s peace, never any support. He drove him to suicide. I wanted to kill him, but he ran away to Canada, and nobody knows where he is. Mason said,The point Ive been trying to make is that despite the fact it was your husbands gun that was used in the murder, the police seem to be leavinghim pretty much alone. JACKSON CLEARED HIS THROAT, DEPOSITED HIS BRIEF CASE ON the table, started methodically taking out papers. Which was why you got me to go work for Hundermark. The houses are now all torn down? Well, I had about combed this little beach out, so I got in my yacht and sailed up to San Diego and went to a telephone and put through a call collect to George Alder. I told him I had a bottle with some sort of a letter in it that evidently had been kicked overboard from his jj yacht He didnt seem much interested at first and then he began to get curious and he suggested that I bring the I bottle in to him and hed pay me for my time and trouble." I shrugged. I want to call Corys parents and tell them that hell have the best lawyers and the best detectives working to exonerate him. About the purse, Mason said. Just remember, its a lot of trouble to clean up after a shooting death. Its a lot less trouble if you shoot and miss, and that might scare him off. Send her to the ladies, Lance said. Four-thirty. Thats after me and Marjorie finally got Dorothy to bed. She was almost out on her feet by then, but she was still talking about killing herself. Jesus, I think she gets her kicks out of talking about it. Anybody who tried something like that would get nailed within a day or two. Is that your gun? No, I wasnt the father. Another wag got another collective laugh but by then I was at the door and pushing into the smoky-smelling chill of the autumn night. Id had to park on the next long block. The bar had only a tiny parking lot so most customers had to use the curb...

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