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She may be feeling pretty good, Mason said significantly. She knows that youre being questioned about the murder of George C. Lutts, and it justmay occur to her to think of something that would enable her to help the prosecution with its case. That would put you out of the way for a nice long time and leave your husband where she could get her claws into him again. Chapter 2 What about cameras, security card logs? Gloster turned to Perry Mason with something of a smirk.Now, then, Mr. Mason, go ahead and cross-examine. Mason said,The Courts order was that you were to tell us where the dog was kept. gay porn spain I can see all right, Doxey said, and groped his way up the stairs. Suddenly he stopped partway up the second flight. Della Street picked up the evening paper that was on the floor beside the chair she occupied and started reading. Just make a settlement. There was nothing mysterious about it; it was just a roadside altercation. Whore you? You snaked a girl away from him, one who worked there. Sig isnt the forgiving kind. She flushed again.Thatsmy business. Chief, Della Street said, suddenly serious, do you suppose that girl did steal any jewels? She took a sip of beer.My goal is to retire when Im thirty. Oh, I think you are. You danced all around it, but I picked up on what you were really saying...