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Audrey thought for a moment. Then she got up and started opening some of the lower drawers in the kitchen cabinets.Here, she said with a small note of triumph. “I remember that I asked Sally to ask the maid to polish it a couple of months ago. What do you want me to do, count the spoons? No, my worry was that if I found him Id have to call Cindy and tell her. And that I wasnt up to. A torrent of bad language issued from the phone.Dammit! Dino yelled. “He nearly got me, and I cant get a shot at him from behind. He fired a shot anyway. I can wait until youve made the lobster disappear. I know about them, but weve not met. Im a huge fan of Susannahs work. You think his infidelity may lead to a permanent attachment? This time its different. You givin Frank a problem, man? This close Billy smelled of cloying beer, cigarettes and sweat. He was ready. His hands were fists. Sizable fists. He had the rep of being iron hard but fair, a soldiers soldier. He cared more for his troops than he did for the next star on his shoulder. Then his career had seemed to stall. One article reported that Campbell had been brutally honest during some congressional testimony, and the Army brass hadnt liked that level of candor from one of its senior officers. Hed then been apparently forced into retirement and gone into the private sector. He’d resurfaced a few years later with some civilian position at the Pentagon. After that, he’d dropped off the radar. Then there are only two things that could have made the puddle. I believe so, yes. The sheriff seemed vaguely uneasy as he looked up at the hole.I dont think that thing was there when we found the body, he said. Do the police have any leads as to who killed Sara? Yes, please. Yes, sir. So what do we do? Not go? Call in the cavalry? How about the Mafia or whatever theyre calling it nowadays? I said...