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Point it at me. I suppose herbe strong suggestion went against his be maternal idea, but there was a hysteria in his voice that was chilling. Ted had once slapped a male staffer. He did not like to be told he was wrong. When did all this happen? May I ask why? Judge Hoyt asked. Yeah? He was an older white guy in a heavy blue sweater. If he finds out we were seeing each other, Im screwed. Thanks. I may call on you. Admit it. You dont think I could keep up. Mason grinned, and said,I rented a canoe. I left my fingerprints on that canoe. Theres no question about that, rd have stipulated it if the district attorney hadnt wanted to make such a grandstand. You going to earn your two hundred? So what happened? I said. Godawful, I said. Id like to have the defendant bound over, Hamilton Burger said tentatively. Thats a long story that I hope one day to be able to share with you, but not right now...

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