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Yes, I went to see him. They walked back to the town house to find Jill Tapshaw and Valentine chatting in the kitchen. But you know he was dead? No, but I can get it and take it to her. In other words, Mason said, you havent told anyone that I was representing any particular party. The night she died you were up early. You said you had a Zoom interview with a magazine in the Netherlands. Campbell picked up a file that lay in front of him.This is your psych eval when you were trying to get into Ranger School. You were quite candid with those folks, as you had to be. You spoke about how your father had been riding you your entire life. Never good enough, never enough like your brother and sister. A disappointment of epic proportions in his mind. You had the well-deserved rep of being stoic about everything, Devine, but not that time, no, not that time. Why not? The streams of numbers he was seeing, and the currency symbols attached to them, demonstrated that assets were being moved around the world. If this went on 24/7, the size of the operation, whatever was beingoperated here, was leviathan in scope. At least from what he could glean on the screens, most of the assets being acquired seemed to be in the United States. But from the bank names and other data he saw, a lot of the money pouring in seemed to be emanating from outside the country. This one wasnt a lie. I believed he could be set free in five hours. Of course, if he wasnt hed see it as a lie. Hes just annoyed that an outsider could screw up his equipment. He took out his laptop and looked over the email he had crafted along with a large attachment. It documented everything he had found out about Cowl and Comely. He hit the Send key, and off it flew to one Elaine Nestor, the tarred-and-feathered journalist. Youre wrong! My fatherwas proud of me for the decision I made, and I washappy about his reaction. In fact, we went to dinner in celebration and got drunk together. Exactly whats the idea? Mason asked. But I have her phone number. And a letter from her in which she says shell always love me. Right now that is enough...