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She didnt think that about the other ones. Mason slid the car to a stop. She jerked open the door and jumped out. Mason sat there waiting, watching in the rearview mirror. Yes, sir, I can. It was right about at this point where I will now make a cross in pencil. Its the only thing I could really afford this close in that had trees and some grass. And why would he do that? Jackson blinked. Even more reason to have cameras on all the floors and the stairwells, not just the front and rear entrances. That will do, Mr. District Attorney. Sit down, Judge Sedgwick said. The witness is being interrogated, not the district attorney. We shook hands then and they both still had their quick, firm, professional handshakes— the kind that preachers, politicians and most labor organizers have. After that was over I told them to sit anywhere and they decided on two canvas chairs, the kind that they call directors chairs in Hollywood and safari chairs in Africa. Im not quite sure what theyre called in Virginia. That theyd mention the same amount of money. You are a shit. The box 123J. That was George S. Alder. His hand fell away from my elbow and the scowl became one of his sneering smiles. What year was that? No, I said, picked up the phone and made a collect call to Ruth. When she answered I told her about Sally Raines and that Audrey and the children would be coming out to stay for a while. Stone, Dino said, you take the car and drive up to Lenox Hill. Ill stay here and go through the place with my people. Late last night. It was embedded in the wall on the south side and had been fired from the fatal gun...